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get_metadata retrieves metadata for a specified endpoint of a DHIS2 instance.


  fields = c("id", "name"),
  retry = 2,
  verbosity = 0,
  timeout = 60,
  call = caller_env()



The DHIS2 API endpoint for the metadata of interest (e.g., dataElements, organisationUnits endpoints).


One or more metadata_filter() parameters in key-value pairs.


The specific columns to be returned in the data frame.


Number of times to retry the API call in case of failure (defaults to 2).


Level of HTTP information to print during the call:

  • 0: No output

  • 1: Show headers

  • 2: Show headers and bodies

  • 3: Show headers, bodies, and CURL status message.


Maximum number of seconds to wait for the DHIS2 API response.


The caller environment


A tibble containing the DHIS2 metadata response.


# Get the categories metadata
#> # A tibble: 537 × 2
#>    name                               id         
#>    <chr>                              <chr>      
#>  1 "0-3mths, 4-6mths, 7-18mths"       JI1bCqQ77r1
#>  2 "11-14yrs"                         Dql7n14U5XC
#>  3 "15-18yrs"                         PZWbYQY0lnl
#>  4 "1st,2nd"                          NChHyaAC6ls
#>  5 "2-5yrs"                           KY9t7YJtAJI
#>  6 "3. Immunology"                    LQeahngW60z
#>  7 "6-10yrs"                          eZsIWKswsN5
#>  8 "6-10 yrs"                         eLTXvFcuiRN
#>  9 "717 Operations(Booked&Operated) " OzZClNVHXLV
#> 10 "749 Total Isolates"               mXj1e4ycMBt
#> # ℹ 527 more rows

# Get the datasets metadata with fields 'id,name,organisationUnits' and filter
# only the datasets with id 'WWh5hbCmvND'
             fields = 'id,name,organisationUnits[id,name,path]',
             id %.eq% 'WWh5hbCmvND')
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   name                                                  id     organisationUnits
#>   <chr>                                                 <chr>  <list>           
#> 1 MoH 745 Cancer Screening Program Monthly Summary Form WWh5h… <list [7,371]>   

# Get data elements filtered by dataElementGroups id
    %.eq% 'IXd7DXxZqzL',
             fields = ':all')
#> # A tibble: 31 × 35
#>    href       name  created lastUpdated translations externalAccess publicAccess
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>   <chr>       <lgl>        <lgl>          <chr>       
#>  1 https://h… CBE-… 2020-0… 2020-07-14… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#>  2 https://h… CBE-… 2020-0… 2020-07-14… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#>  3 https://h… Colo… 2020-0… 2020-07-14… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#>  4 https://h… Colo… 2020-0… 2020-07-14… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#>  5 https://h… Colo… 2020-0… 2020-07-14… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#>  6 https://h… Colo… 2020-0… 2020-07-14… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#>  7 https://h… FOBT… 2020-0… 2021-10-08… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#>  8 https://h… FOBT… 2020-0… 2021-10-08… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#>  9 https://h… Mamm… 2020-0… 2020-07-14… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#> 10 https://h… Mamm… 2020-0… 2020-07-14… NA           FALSE          rw------    
#> # ℹ 21 more rows
#> # ℹ 28 more variables: createdBy <list>, userGroupAccesses <lgl>,
#> #   userAccesses <lgl>, access <list>, favorites <lgl>, lastUpdatedBy <list>,
#> #   sharing <list>, shortName <chr>, dimensionItemType <chr>, legendSets <lgl>,
#> #   aggregationType <chr>, valueType <chr>, domainType <chr>,
#> #   dataSetElements <list>, aggregationLevels <lgl>, zeroIsSignificant <lgl>,
#> #   optionSetValue <lgl>, dimensionItem <chr>, displayShortName <chr>, …