fetches data from the DHIS2 analytics tables for a
given period and data element(s), without performing any aggregation.
end_date = NULL,
level = 1,
org_ids = NULL,
call = caller_env()
- element_ids
Required vector of data element IDs for which to retrieve data.
- start_date
Required start date to retrieve data. It is required and in the format
.- end_date
Optional ending date for data retrieval (default is the current date).
- level
The desired organisation level of data (default: level 1)
- org_ids
Optional list of organization units IDs to be filtered.
- ...
Other options that can be passed onto DHIS2 API.
- call
The caller environment.
A tibble with detailed information, including:
Geographical identifiers (country, subnational, district, facility, depending on level)
Reporting period (month, year, fiscal year)
Data element names
Category options
Reported values
Retrieves data directly from DHIS2 analytics tables.
Supports optional arguments for providing organization lists, data elements, and categories.
Allows specifying DHIS2 session objects, retry attempts, and logging verbosity.
See also
for getting the organisations unitsget_data_elements_with_category_options()
for retrieving the data elements
# Clinical Breast Examination data elements
# XEX93uLsAm2 = CBE Abnormal
# cXe64Yk0QMY = CBE Normal
element_id = c('cXe64Yk0QMY', 'XEX93uLsAm2')
# Download data from February 2023 to current date
data <- get_analytics_by_level(element_ids = element_id,
start_date = '2023-02-01')
#> # A tibble: 199 × 7
#> value kenya element category period month year
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> <ord> <dbl>
#> 1 137 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 35-39 yrs 2023-06-01 June 2023
#> 2 18 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 56-74 yrs 2024-04-01 April 2024
#> 3 156 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 35-39 yrs 2023-05-01 May 2023
#> 4 35 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 56-74 yrs 2024-05-01 May 2024
#> 5 24 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 56-74 yrs 2024-03-01 March 2024
#> 6 150 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 35-39 yrs 2023-07-01 July 2023
#> 7 100 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 35-39 yrs 2023-08-01 August 2023
#> 8 119 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 35-39 yrs 2023-04-01 April 2023
#> 9 116 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 35-39 yrs 2023-02-01 February 2023
#> 10 25 Kenya CBE-Abnormal 56-74 yrs 2024-08-01 August 2024
#> # ℹ 189 more rows